Saturday, December 28, 2013

Paul Walker's Official Fast & Furious Tribute Video Is The Saddest In Memoriam You'll Ever See!

Someone pass us a Kleenex, because we're crying all over our keyboard!!!

The Fast & The Furious' official YouTube channel just posted a tribute to the late Paul Walker and it seriously might be the saddest two minute video you'll ever watch!

We cannot believe it has been nearly 13 years since the original The Fast & The Furious sped into theaters and forever changed our lives.

Ch-ch-check out the moving montage (above)!

OMG, our hearts are completely broken!!

Earlier today Universal announced they were halting production on Fast & Furious 7 in wake of the tragic car accident that took Paul's life.

We don't blame them. It's hard to imagine how they'll make another movie without Paul and his iconic "who, me?" smile starring opposite Vin Diesel.

What a tragic loss.